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What is Pregabalin Used for?

Pregabalin is a medication that is a member of the anticonvulsant class of medicines, which was initially created for the treatment of some severities of epilepsy. Throughout its time being put through strenuous testing, and years of clinical trials, it was found to be equally as effective against both anxiety and battling nerve pain. This is a front-line treatment for patients experiencing neurological pain from conditions such as diabetes, shingles, or even from an injury that caused severe nerve damage.

The severities of pain that Pregabalin can address may differ, however, this medication is appropriate for all levels of nerve pain. Moderate and severe pain can stem from many different things. Aside from the ones previously mentioned, neurological pain can occur from HIV or Aids, and Central Nervous System Disorders including stroke, Parkinsons, and even alcoholism. Aside from the mentioned uses, Pregabalin can also show effectiveness as a painkiller for back pain, bipolar disorder, restless leg syndrome, and pruritis.

Does endless nerve pain keep you from doing the things you love? Are you left lying in bed in agony night after night, unable to get any rest? Is endless pain taking a further toll on your overall physical health due to inactivity? If any of these questions are relatable, it might be time to place an order for Pregabalin today.

How Does Pregabalin Work?

Being an anticonvulsant medication, as mentioned, it has multiple functions for both on and off-label use. While the mechanism of action is similar across the board when treating different conditions, it can differ slightly as to why the medicine works the way it does. While the exact mechanism of action for Pregabalin is still not entirely known, it is understood that it has to do with reducing excessive electric activity, or levels of excitement in the brain.

When taking Pregabalin, it is known to play an influence on the GABA receptors, as well as other central nervous system neurotransmitters that share messages between nerve cells. From here, it will then bind to the brains receptors that are known to communicate with the calcium channels known as alpha-2-delta-1. Pregabalin will begin to block these channels out, correcting any abnormal activity being caused by underlying conditions.

This medication offers several therapeutic characteristics, such as pain relief, sedation, calmness, and relaxation, assisting in proper function with rapid healing. Although it is generally a safe option, Pregabalin may lead to some uncomfortable side effects for a small percentage of its users. Luckily this is overall not something that has to be worried about for most patients.

How Long Does Pregabalin Take to Work?

When you begin to use this medication, it is strongly advised to take the medication at the same time each day, as needed throughout the day. This will ensure that the active ingredient is always in the bloodstream, offering its aid towards whatever is being treated. Regardless of the dosage that is taken, Pregabalin will take the same amount of time to show its effects, which is generally around the 1-hour mark for most.

This can, however, differ for some patients if they have a fast, or slow metabolism. Older patients using this medication may experience its effects for much longer than the average person, as age slows metabolism speeds. A slower metabolism causes the onset time to extend, sometimes up to several hours. This also means that the medication remains active for much longer as well.

When going about finding a medication like Pregabalin, people can go about their lives with much more freedom; having constant pain hold you back can be very mentally draining. Luckily for these patients, within just a short period of use, a proper dosage should be found, allowing for some normality to return to their daily life.

How Many Pregabalin Can You Take Per/Day?

Like with all pharmaceuticals, it is imperative that you practice safe and proper dosages. Failure to follow recommended dosage routines may be what ultimately results in finding discomfort when using gabapentin, so be sure to take this information seriously. When using Pregabalin for treating pain caused by shingles, it is advised to begin with 75-150mg two times per day, or 50-100mg taken three times daily. A physician can adjust accordingly if you do not find this dosage effective. Do not exceed 600mg per day.

For nerve pain caused by diabetes, 50mg taken three times per day is recommended to start. It is advised to stay under 300mg per day for total use. When treating epilepsy, the patient can find the best dosage for their particular case, which is generally similar to a dosage for treating shingles. Again, it is advised to keep daily usage under 600mg per day to stay inside safe boundaries.

If this medication is used as a long-term solution for nerve pain, it is important to have an annual check-up with your physician to get clearance to continue the use of Pregabalin. Long-term use of any medication can be harsh on the human body, but some people require pain relief around the clock, and have no option. When discontinuing use, it is important to implement a tapering off period. Slowly lowering the dosage over a 3-week period will help avoid any dependency issues.

How Long Does Pregabalin Stay in Your System?

When talking in terms of different painkillers available, they all have different onset times, half-life, and amount of time they remain traceable in the bloodstream. Pregabalin can last for a relatively long period in the bloodstream, after consumption; up to 35 hours on average in fact. When you begin talking about the half-life of the medication, this is the amount of time that it takes before the medicine has reached 50% concentration. At this point, it is likely that if any effects are still being experienced, they are very minimal.

Research has shown that Pregabalin can be detected in urine for upwards of 5-6 days following the last dosage. This is no problem for those who need the medication, but work somewhere where they screen for drug use. Generally, Pregabalin is not tested for in drug screenings, unless there is reason to believe there is a concern of abuse.

Is Pregabalin Safe for Everyone?

The answer to this question can go two ways, both yes and no. Most people who need relief with Pregabalin will be able to use this medication with no concern of negative effects occurring. This goes mostly for those in general good health overall, not using any other medications daily, and not combining the medication with alcohol or other recreational substances. Combining this medication with any recreational substances, other medications, or conditions that do not mix well with anticonvulsants does have the potential to be dangerous. Always use caution, and be sure other medications are safe to combine.

Some medications that are considered unsafe to use alongside Pregabalin are:

  • Gabapentinoids, or Opioids
  • Myelosuppressives
  • Any agent causing respiratory depression

This is not a full list of potential interactions, so it is important to consult a physician about potential interactions with other medications that may be being used. You may also consult the patient information leaflet included inside of the medicines package when purchased.

Those who are concerned about the generic form of Pregabalin not being effective or safe need not worry. All generic forms of medications must first be reviewed, and approved by the FDA Generic Drug Program. The main intention of this program is to assure the generic in question utilizes the same active ingredient used in the original medicine.

Pregabalin Side Effects Explained

As it goes with pharmaceuticals, Pregabalin comes alongside the potential of having some side effects. Luckily for most people who are using this medication under the proper guidelines laid out for safe usage, there will be no adverse effects. The most common reason for anyone to experience any sort of side effects is incorrect dosages, so be sure to dose accordingly.

Some of the potential side effects that may be experienced when using Pregabalin can be, but are not limited to:

  • Possible weight gain
  • Lowered energy
  • Dizziness
  • Lowered concentration
  • Dry mouth
  • Constipation

If you begin to experience any undesired effects while using Pregabalin, be sure to remain calm and stay hydrated. Consuming water can help to speed the process of your body eliminating side effects quicker. Eating a meal may also assist with ridding any discomforts, as it directs the body to focus on metabolizing something else. If you have any concerns about any other potential side effects, please direct yourself to the patient information leaflet, where you will find a most in-depth list of the potential side effects associated with this medication.

Medication Similar to Pregabalin

While Pregabalin is a first-line treatment when it comes to battling nerve pain, several other options can be equally as effective. The main reason why someone may consider alternating to a different treatment could simply be they have had a minor allergic reaction to the active ingredient in Pregabalin. It is also possible that for some, this medication may not show the overall effects that they desired, as not every medication will react the same for every individual.

One of the most commonly used medications from the anticonvulsant family besides Pregabalin is Gabapentin, which was first approved in 1993. This medication has been available in generic form since 2004, and was the 10th most commonly prescribed medication in the USA in 2019. Another go-to option for many people in need of an alternative is Amitriptyline. This medication was originally formulated in the later 1950s at Merck Pharmaceuticals, and was placed on the World Health Organizations List of essential medicines.

For those interested in trying these other medications, we have them available at conveniently, under the painkiller medications category.

Benefits of Pregabalin Painkiller Tablets

Nerve pain is a fickle beast, and can take control of someones life entirely, making every last part of it as difficult as possible. People who are regularly dealing with nerve pain can find themselves spending months at a time stationary, not leaving their home, and avoiding all other human connections. This can be truly dangerous for any human being, as human interaction is a part of who we are, and without it, it can be mentally devastating. Leaving severe nerve pain unaddressed can have catastrophic results, so it is imperative that it does not go untreated for years, accepting it as life.

When you begin using medications like Pregabalin to battle symptoms of pain, it can begin to be a massive weight off your shoulders. The benefits that are taken away from battling nerve pain are endless. As severe pain promotes a sedentary lifestyle, ridding yourself of it is life-changing. If you have endless nerve pain, and it hinders you from living life, it is time to address it and take your life, and health back into your hands.

Where Can I Buy Pregabalin Online in the UK?

At this point, you should be well informed about Pregabalin, and how it can turn your life around, no matter your reason for needing it. The ordering process is as easy as it gets when buying from us, beginning with our user-friendly website interface. When you arrive at our homepage, you will see several medications you can choose. After clicking on Pregabalin, you will see an option to choose the quantity. We remind customers that with our discount system, each larger quantity that you choose will yield even greater savings per dosage.

After choosing your dosage, and adding it to your shopping cart, it is time to check out. Once you arrive at the checkout, you will be directed to input your shipping information, and contact information. Following this, you will be asked to choose a payment method, of which we accept Bitcoin, bank transfer, Visa, and of course MasterCard.

On completion of payment, you will receive an email indicating the order was received, the expected delivery date, and the anonymous descriptor name that will appear on your bank statement. Any order being delivered inside the UK will be roughly 2-4 business days, and all EU or Ireland orders will arrive in 4-7 business days.

Whether you are struggling with endless anxiety, constant nerve pain, or seizures, we recommend ordering Pregabalin today from Address the problems in your life today, and live a better tomorrow.

Last Reviewed: 22nd July 2024
Next Review Due: August 2025

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