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What is Nitrazepam Used For?

Nitrazepam is a short-term treatment that is used to treat sleeping problems, severe cases of anxiety, or both. Considered a sedative-hypnotic with calming properties, this medication is also sold under the brand name Mogadon and produced by Roche Products Limited in the UK. Nitrazepam came into medical use in 1965 and since then patients all over the world have used this medication to restore their normal sleep patterns. In the United Kingdom alone, studies show that 67% of adults suffer weekly from sleep disturbances.

Depression, anxiety, or even an uncomfortable bed can all be the root causes of insomnia and the difficulty getting to and staying asleep. Sleeping problems that are left unchecked, can severely affect your memory, psychomotor skills, or physical abilities. These problems when unaddressed can be exaggerated as we get older.

Is getting to sleep each night more of a chore than relaxing? Do you find yourself awakening multiple times throughout the night several times per week? Do you simply struggle to get your medication prescribed by the doctor? No matter what your situation might be, read further to find out the detailed mechanics, how safe this treatment is, and the benefits that you can take away.

How Does Nitrazepam Work?

Gamma-Aminobutyric acid (GABA) are major inhibitory neurotransmitters or receptors in the brain and the central nervous system. These receptors bind together to induce sleepiness, help with muscle reaction, and assist with the control of seizures & anxiety. Ultimately, these sleeping pills will give you an onset mood of feeling good and relaxation to the point of falling asleep. In addition, Nitrazepam also calms brain activity to reduce unsettling thoughts that potentially keep you from staying asleep at night.

Outside of the mental dispositions involved, physical factors like muscle and joint pain contribute to your insomnia as well. By inducing both types of GABA receptors in the body, Nitrazepam will send signals of relief to designated painful areas on the body helping the management of physical depression. When treatment slows down the central nervous system, certain tense pains that come in shock waves or muscle spasms will greatly diminish over time with proper usage. Nitrazepam will additionally combat both loud noise disturbances at night, as well as bright lights that potentially pierce drapes or windows not allowing you to peacefully sleep.

How Long Does Nitrazepam Take to Work?

One tablet of Nitrazepam will take anywhere between 30 minutes to 1 hour to start working inside the body. You can take this medication with or without food because it does not affect the treatment whatsoever. We advise that you clear at least 8 hours of your time after taking Nitrazepam due to the guaranteed sedative effects, that will keep you sleeping during that time. The effects of treatment can impair your physical ability to drive, ride a bike, or use any mechanical machinery. Good sleeping hygiene starts with a regularly scheduled before-bed routine that has a set time for every time you wake up or go to sleep.

Changing current sleep habits is imperative to remedy a viable solution. The process involved can be identified as your sleep-wake cycle which is a type of biological clock that is measured over 24 hours. Nitrazepam will assist in aiding this cycle back to optimal health, changing the way we sleep, and motivating you to take the day on with all its challenges. Different habits that need to be changed can be recognized as eating a big meal late at night, exercising within 4 hours of sleep, or napping too long during the day.

How Many Nitrazepam Can You Take a Night?

Nitrazepam should only be taken once a day and never compounded due to an unwanted induced coma. Dosage strengths will vary on a case-by-case basis, the commonly prescribed dosage usually starts at 5 mg for those without underlying conditions and normal health. Over some time or due to severity levels, you can increase your dosage for more potency up to 10mg but you should never exceed that amount. For patients over the age of 65 years and debilitating persons, a safer and lower dosage strength of 2.5mg is heavily recommended. These conditions particularly include those with pulmonary insufficiency, chronic renal, or hepatic diseases.

You should not take this dosage with any substances like alcohol, nicotine, or caffeine to experience the properly desired results. To keep Nitrazepam in the best quality conditions, it is best to keep these pills in an environmental temperature not exceeding 25 degrees Celsius. We advise placing tablets out of reach from both children and animals for an undesirable outcome. In addition, to get the best results from Nitrazepam, you should take 1 tablet with a full glass of room temperature water and swallow it simultaneously.

How Long Does Nitrazepam Stay in Your System?

Nitrazepam is lipid-soluble which refers to the ability of a chemical compound to dissolve in fats and oils. Due to this medication being largely bound to plasma proteins in the body, it has a high brain uptake. After self-administration orally, Nitrazepam concentration levels will reach their peak potency within about two hours. This sedative-hypnotic has a half-life elimination that can be as low as 16 hours or as high as 48 hours. If you are young, then Nitrazepam will have a half-life that could expel itself within 29 hours. If you are an elderly patient, a longer half-life of 40 hours might be imposed due to a slower digestive tract.

On average, Nitrazepam has an overall half-life of 24 hours. This means it will be in your system for up to 2 days or even longer, which greatly depends on your treatment usage. There are many factors involved when trying to calculate medicinal existence like health, age, and metabolism. To receive the best experience from Nitrazepam, we suggest implementing a change of lifestyle habits to receive the best results from these sleeping tablets. For example, not using electrical devices before bed, watching television, or playing on your smartphone.

Is Nitrazepam Safe for Everyone?

Yes and no, although Nitrazepam is safe for the majority of people who can take these medications, there are certain groups of people who should avoid this medication altogether. The medications that contradict Zopiclone and should not be used while on treatment are not limited to the following:

  • Antipsychotics (neuroleptics) like pain killers or antidepressants
  • Narcotic analgesics like euphoric enhancers
  • Anti-epileptic drugs used at the same time of treatment
  • Caffeine & Theophylline interactions will reduce positive effects
  • Antibacterial meds will increase the time elimination of Nitrazepam
  • Cimetidine, Oestrogen a contraceptive that also increases the time of elimination
  • Antihypertensives will increase sedative effects
  • Baclofen & Tizanidine will enhance sedative effects

Before taking Nitrazepam, we advise attaining a current awareness of your health status, history, and medication. Our mission is to ensure your safety, security, and overall satisfaction. All of our treatment medications have been FDA approved for their safe usability. To discover more about potential unwanted effects, then carefully read our outline below about certain risk factors involved and how you will be comforted confidently.

Nitrazepam Side Effects Explained

Nitrazepam has been rigorously trialled & tested by the Office of Generic Drugs Program for its high quality and efficacy. Most side effects associated with this medication occur due to misuse or patients not closely applying the prescription guidelines presented. Usually, all reported side effects that occurred were very tolerable and likely to go away on their own. Like all medications that are manufactured, there will be certain side effects involved but not everyone will encounter them. The common but very rare and least likely to happen Nitrazepam side effects are not limited to the following:

  • Dizziness
  • Fatigue
  • Reduced alertness
  • Drowsiness
  • Sedation

If you are still unsure as to the severity of these Nitrazepam side effects; then please refer to our reviews where other first-time users speak of their personal experiences. Use our reviews to relate and assert your confidence to retrieve treatment and start sleeping better. We advise that while on treatment, to avoid potential side effects is to eat a healthy diet with light but regular exercise. To see the full list of side effects associated with Nitrazepam, look at our patient information leaflet provided here on this website.

Medication Similar to Nitrazepam

There are two different classes of sleep aid medications, Nitrazepam is considered to be a benzodiazepine drug. Whereas, medications of the second class called Z drugs are significantly more favourable due to the results of feeling well-rested with optimal daytime functioning. The commonly searched for treatments that are also available are; Zolpidem, Zopiclone, as well as Zaleplon.

Whether you are looking for a non-benzodiazepine Z-drug or regular benzodiazepines, our 24-hour pharmacy has you covered. The most commonly known benzodiazepine is Diazepam. It was first introduced to the market under the brand name Valium and was only available in the UK under prescription until the introduction of online pharmacies.

Now, we have generic alternatives like diazepam, which is five times cheaper than the branded version and you can also add this available treatment to your shopping cart. What is particularly very likeable about this anti-anxiety medication, it is used to remedy a range of conditions like; muscle spasms, seizures, alcohol withdrawal syndrome, and many more. There are only 2 common side effects which Include sleepiness and hindered coordination. With no serious side effects and its ability to be used for memory loss, has made this medication the most prescribed since the 60s. Both Nitrazepam & Diazepam can be ordered from our online platform at competitively cheaper rates with our easy-to-use user-friendly services.

Benefits of Nitrazepam Sleep Aid Tablets

The benefits of Nitrazepam will be seen over the time frame you are taking treatment, along with your daily routine habits. Using this treatment over time, implementing a tapering-off period while improving your sleep hygiene, will ultimately help you maintain a healthy sleep schedule. Different hygienic ways to improve your sleep, are having a set wake & sleep bedtime, exercising regularly, and eating healthy.

Refusing to drink alcoholic drinks, caffeine, or intake nicotine is a part of good sleeping hygiene and should be kept in your routine after treatment. These strict and routine choices will beneficially be felt at home, at your occupation, and in your social life. Other benefits are well received along the purchasing process like getting your delivery in record-breaking time, ordering at your discretion, or being able to get added discounts.

Enjoy the added conveniences of not only saving more but being able to reach customer services at any time of day thanks to our 24/7 availability. The greatest benefit of getting your Nitrazepam tablets online is not needing a written prescription, online consultation, or a GP appointment. So, before you go to the high streets for a treatment option, choose our online platform for convenience, affordability, and private delivery.

Where Can I Buy Nitrazepam Online in the UK?

The greatest advantage that patients receive from shopping at our website is it is hassle-free. This means locating your desired medication is easy, and completing the order takes just minutes out of your day. Once you choose a medication, click on the product page, and decide on a quantity, while keeping in mind that larger orders will receive larger discounts per dosage. After deciding on this, add it to your shopping cart, and head on over to the checkout page, where you will be met with your next steps.

At checkout, you will be required to include your contact information and your shipping information. After you have submitted this, you will be directed to the payment options. We accept several different payment methods, which include bank transfer, MasterCard, Visa, and even Bitcoin. Once completed, you will receive an email confirming the order was successful. This email will also include the estimated date of delivery, and the name that we will appear as on your bank statement.

Customers who live in the EU or Ireland will receive their packages within 4-7 business days, while UK customers will receive theirs in 2-4 business days. Should any problems arise, please do not hesitate to contact our 24-hour customer service team, who are waiting diligently for all inquiries. Stop wasting time with over-the-counter drugs from the high streets and spending too much money on treatment you can get for a fraction of the price.

If you are ready to finally get the sleep that you have been dreaming about, place an order for Nitrazepam today on

Last Reviewed: 22nd July 2024
Next Review Due: August 2025

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